I’m engaged to my trans woman, getting married soon but I’m not a gay

I’m engaged to my trans woman, getting married soon but I’m not a gay

David, a man who married a trans woman, has shared his love story, revealing that he fell in love with Ayla, his trans partner.

The couple first connected on Instagram before deciding to meet in person. After 16 months of dating, they got engaged.

“I was attracted to her the second I saw her and I knew that she was attracted to me, too.”David said

Ayla said: “I was like incredibly nervous to tell davis i was trans what i expected from him was to get some aggressive messages.”

Davido continued:” it got to a stage where we told me I was like i know it, It was never anything to me i’ve only seen her as a woman and that was it.”

Despite their love, Ayla disclosed that she and David have faced lots of criticism over their relationship.

Ayla said: “He gets judged because i’m his trans barbie fiancee.”

How he got to know he is a girl and not a boy, Ayla said: “I always knew I was different too my brothers growing up, my family knew that too, but things changed when i went to high school, I Remember always kind of joking to my family that I’m a girl but sounds bad to say but i’m a girl, but i’m an ugly girl.

“I began my transition socially when i was 24 then surgically when i was 26."